Doctor Steve
Doctor visits to your home, ranch, farm, hotel
Dr. Lewinson graduated from USC with a degree in Biological Sciences, with a special interest in Molecular Biology. Dr. Lewinson is a friendly, knowledgeable, and humble Podiatric physician, and available to provide good ol’ fashion house calls to you whether you are on a remote farm or right in town
Here’s a brief description of the house call services I offer my clients. Feel free to click on one to receive more information
This service involves removing an ingrown toenail that has become infected or is causing significant pain.
Fungal toenails are a common condition that can cause thick, discolored nails that are difficult to cut or maintain.
This service is similar to the complex one, but is recommended for less severe cases of ingrown toenails that do not require anesthesia.
This service involves a comprehensive evaluation of the foot and ankle to identify any issues or conditions that may require treatment.
Keratoderma is a condition in which thick, scaly patches of skin develop on the feet. This service involves removing these patches of skin.
Dr. Lewinson is a friendly, knowledgeable, and humble Podiatric physician, available to provide good ol’ fashion house calls to you whether you are on a remote farm or right in town.